Streetwise Hebrew

#195 So, then...



English has ‘like’ and ‘kinda’. What do Hebrew speakers use as fillers? And what did we borrow from Arabic? Guy explains. Looking to support the show? Learn how on Patreon. Words and expressions discussed: Em - Umm - אֶם Achshav ani margish - Now I feel - עכשיו אני מרגיש Ke’ilu lo yode’a klum - As if I know nothing - כאילו לא יודע כלום Ke’ilu (kilu) - As if - כאילו, כילו Zot omeret (ztomeret, stomeret) - It means - זאת אומרת, זתומרת, סתומרת Az - So, then - אז Ya’ani - Like, As if (arabic) - יעני Ya’ani, yaa’nu - Like - יעני, יענו Be-kitsur, hakitser - To cut a long story short - בקיצור, הקיצר Kiviachol - So to speak, allegedly - כביכול Ani mechabedet ota - I respect her - אני מכבדת אותה  Playlist and clips: Dafni Liff interview (Hinuchit TV) Shlomo Artzi - "Hi Lo Yoda’at Ma Over Alai" (lyrics) X-Factor - Orian Rakia Meir Ariel - "Shoef Le-efes" (lyrics) Shoshana Damari - "Zot Omeret" (lyrics) Idan Amedi - "Az" (lyrics) Ziad Al-Saleh - "Ya’ani" Latifa - "Ya’ani eih" Murat Dalkılıç - "Yani" Rabbi Amnon Yitshak