Streetwise Hebrew

#194 Ummm . . . Uhhh . . . Errr . . .



Today, um, Guy talks, um, about fillers like ‘Eh’ in Hebrew and about other things we say when we try to think and talk at the same time. Learn why this is important, especially for people who want to improve their Hebrew. New words and expressions: Eh - Um - אֶה Ve… - And - ו… Ve-tagidi - And tell me (f.)… - ותגידי Ve-tagid li - And tell me (m.) - ותגיד Yoter eh kashim - More, um, difficult - יותר, אֶה, קשים Al mashehu she… - About something that… - על משהו ש... Legamgam - To stutter - לגמגם Gimgum - A stutter - גמגום Lemalmel - To mumble - למלמל   Playlist and clips: Anwar Sadat’s visit Sadat Interview Husni Mubarak interview Jacques Chirac interview MK Shelly Yachimovich interview Eretz Nehederet - Vetagid li Noa Kirel - interview (TV2) Ilan Wierzberg & Shimon Gelbets - "Lo Yacholti Laasot Klum" (lyrics) Ilan & Ilanit - "Tfila shel Yom Atsuv" (lyrics) Efrat Gosh - "Ah Ah Ah" (lyrics)   Want to see more Hebrew gems? Like Streetwise Hebrew on Facebook and Instagram. Want Guy to talk about a pressing