Streetwise Hebrew

#189 A Bundle of 'Enjoy'



You’ll hear it all the time — when you’re handed a music show ticket, getting the menu, or receiving your shopping bag from the cashier: ‘tehenu’ means ‘enjoy.’ Today Guy explains how to use this word and teaches us more words from the same root. Bonus: this root exists also in Arabic, so we can learn some greetings to use with Arabic speakers as well! Looking to support the show? Learn how on Patreon. Words and expressions discussed: Tehene me-ha-hayim shelcha – Enjoy your life – תהנה מהחיים שלך Tehene, teheni, tehenu – Enjoy (m., f., pl.) – תהנה, תהני, תהנו Tehene, ze ma she-nish’ar – Enjoy, that is all that remains – תהנה, זה מה שנשאר Teheni! – Enjoy! (f.) – תהני Va-yomer Adonai, tehenu, taasu haim, tochlu eize Roquefort tov – And God said, enjoy, have fun, eat a good Roquefort cheese – ויאמר אדוניי, תהנו, תעשו חיים, תאכלו איזה רוקפור טוב Hana’ah, Hana’ot – Enjoyment/s – הנאה, הנאות Ein kmo ha-hana’ot ha-pshutot shel ha-haim – There’s nothing like the simple enjoyments of life – אין כמו ההנאות הפשוטות של ה