Streetwise Hebrew

#183 When Nature Calls



Fair warning: this episode is not for everybody. We’re talking about body fluids, especially ‘number 1’ in the bathroom. Hey, it’s important to know how to ask for a urine test, how to say ‘to hold it,’ and to say politely that you have an urgent need. If you’re uncomfortable hearing about bodily fluids and their organs, then feel free to skip this episode. Looking to support the show? Learn how on Patreon. Words and expressions discussed: Pipi – Pee – פיפי Sheten – Urine – שתן Bdikat sheten – Urine test – בדיקת שתן Shniya, ani osa pipi ve-az nedaber od – Just a sec, I am making “pipi” and then we’ll talk more – שנייה, אני עושה פיפי ואז נדבר עוד Pipi rega, pipi shniya – I am going to the bathroom for a sec. – פיפי רגע, פיפי שנייה Hafsakat pipi – Pipi break – הפסקת פיפי La’atsor le-pipi – To stop for pipi – לעצור לפיפי Pipi dahuf – Urgent “pipi” – פיפי דחוף Yesh li pipi – I gotta pee – יש לי פיפי Ze haya ma she-nikra ‘pipi’. Mats’hik be-teruf – This was what is called ‘pipi’. Insanely funny – זה היה מה שנקרא ‘