Streetwise Hebrew

#179 Four Years and Counting



Four years ago, we aired our first show, and this month, in August 2017, we are celebrating more than 1.4 million downloads. So for our fourth birthday, let’s learn the word ‘arba,’ which means ‘four’ in Hebrew, and its root. Looking to support the show? Learn how on Patreon. Words and expressions discussed: Arba lifnot boker lo nirdemet – 4 am, I cannot sleep – ארבע לפנות בוקר לא נרדמת Arba – Four (f.) – ארבע Arba’a – Four (m.) – ארבעה Arba’a haverim – Four male friends – ארבעה חברים Arba haverot – Four female friends – ארבע חברות Revi’iya – Quartet – רביעייה Revi’iyat meitarim – String quartet – רביעיית מיתרים Revi’iat haverim – Four close friends – רביעיית חברים Revi’iyat binyanim – Four buildings compound – רביעיית בניינים Reva – Quarter – רבע Shalosh va-reba – Quarter past three – שלוש ורבע Reva le-hamesh – It’s quarter to five – רבע לחמש Ten li reva paprika – Give me a quarter of paprika – תן לי רבע פפריקה Shlosha reva’im – Three quarters – שלושה רבעים Shlosht riv’ei (shloshtreve) – Three quarters (smic