Streetwise Hebrew

#178 How Do I Look?



So you went to buy clothes in a Tel Avivi shop. The next thing you know, the customer next to you, while trying on a dress, says that you shouldn’t wear red. Ever. Let’s talk about what just happened here and learn some phrases in clothes shopping lingo. Looking to support the show? Learn how on Patreon. Words and expressions discussed: Lakachti le-baali kazé – I took one just like this for my husband – לקחתי לבעלי כזה Lakachti le-achoti kazé – I took one just like this for my sister – לקחתי לאחותי כזה Ahoti gam kanta kazé – My sister also bought one like this – אחותי גם קנתה כזה Kazé – Like this – כזה Yesh kazé aval gadol? – Do you have one like this, but bigger? – יש כזה אבל גדול? Yesh kazé be-od tsva’im? – Do you have one like this, in additional colors? – יש כזה בעוד צבעים? Yesh kaze be-kahol? – Do you have one like this in blue? – יש כזה בכחול? Efshar limdod? – May I try it on? – אפשר למדוד? Ta medida – Fitting room – תא מדידה Mamash mat’im lecha/lach – It really suits you – ממש מתאים לך Gadol miday (ala