Streetwise Hebrew

#176 Would You Like Cheese With That Whine?



A teenager in central Tel Aviv said something to his friend on the phone that made Guy think: How do we say 'whiner' and 'to whine' in Hebrew? Today's episode is about the word 'bachyan' and its variations. Looking to support the show? Learn how on Patreon. Words and expressions discussed: Hu bacha – He cried – הוא בכה Livkot – To cry – לבכות Bachiti – I cried – בכיתי Eineni tinok bachyan – I am not a whining baby – אינני תינוק בכיין Bachyan – Whiner – בכיין Bachyanut – Whining (noun) – בכיין Hu stam mitbachyen – He’s just whining – הוא סתם מתבכיין Lehitbachyen – To whine, to complain while feeling sorry for oneself – להתבכיין Mitbachyen – Whining – מתבכיין Dai, ya mitbachyen – Enough already, you whiner – די, יא מתבכיין Hitbachyenut – Whining – התבכיינות Music: Aviv Geffen – Livkot Lecha (lyrics) Dudu Tassa – Bachiti Ahuva Tsadok – Dani Gibor (lyrics) Teapacks – Hora Nadlanim (lyrics) The Knesset TV Channel MK Shelly Yachimovich – TV2 interview Idan Raichel’s Project – Min’i Kolech Mi-bechi Want to see more