Streetwise Hebrew

#174 No More Mr. Nice Guy



'Nehmad' means 'nice' or 'lovely', but often 'nice' is just not enough for what we want to say. How do we give it a boost to emphasize what we really mean? We can also say 'nehmad,' but in fact mean the opposite! And what do we say about a waiter who is 'too nice'? Guy gives us the nuances of 'nehmad' in this week's episode.  Looking to support the show? Learn how on Patreon. Words and expressions discussed: Nehmad – Nice, lovely – נחמד Lahmod – To covet – לחמוד Haya mamash nehmad – It was really nice – היה ממש נחמד Hikarti mishehu mamash nehmad – I met someone really nice – הכרתי מישהו ממש נחמד Ata nir’e nehmad – You look nice – אתה נראה נחמד Ma ha-kavana shela? – What’s her intention? – מה הכוונה שלה? Ach be-kupat holim nisa lehathil iti o she-hu stam haya nehmad? – Was a male nurse in the clinic trying to hit on me, or was he just being nice? – אח בקופת חולים ניסה להתחיל איתי או שהוא סתם היה נחמד? Eich ladaat im hu stam nehmad o ba-keta? – How can I know if he’s just nice, or into me? – איך לדעת אם הוא סתם