Streetwise Hebrew

#171 Catch Me If You Can!



Litpos in formal Hebrew and litfos more colloquially both mean 'to catch', but the word has a whirlwind of other meanings, like to comprehend, take up space, or think highly of someone. Guy nearly gets lost in the possibilities, and he even finds a Yiddish connection. But don't take his word for it! Looking to support the show? Learn how on Patreon. Words and expressions discussed: Af ahat lo tafsa et ha-makom sheli ba-lev shelcha – Nobody took my place in your heart – אף אחת לא תפסה את המקום שלי בלב שלך Af ahat lo titpos et ha-makom sheli ba-lev shelcha – No one will catch my place in your heart – אף אחת לא תתפוס את המקום שלי בלב שלך Titpos (form.), titfos (Coll.) – She will catch – תתפוס Shum ahava lo titfos et mekoma – No love will catch her place – שום אהבה לא תתפוס את מקומה Titfos li makom leyadcha – Save me a spot next to you – תתפוס לי מקום לידך At yechola litfos li makom leyadech? – Can you save a spot next to you? – ?את יכולה לתפוס לי מקום לידך Al titfos oti ba-mila – Don’t take my word for it – אל ת