Streetwise Hebrew

#166 In the Hebrew Loop but Outside the Box



Think you already know Hebrew inside out? Well, the words for 'inside' and 'out' in Hebrew may stump you yet. Guy explains them and other tricky, related phrases. Looking to support the show? Learn how on Patreon. Words and expressions discussed: Chutz, Bahutz – Outside – חוץ, בחוץ Pnim, Bifnim – Inside – פנים, בפנים Ata rotse lashevet bifnim o bahutz? – Do you want to sit inside or outside? – ?אתה רוצה לשבת בפנים או בחוץ Hahutsa – Out, towards the outside – החוצה Pnima – Inside, towards the inside – פנימה Ani yotse hahutsa – I am going out – אני יוצא החוצה I am getting in – Ani nichnas pnima – אני נכנס פנימה Ha-tikva – The Hope – התקווה Kol od ba-levav penima – As long as in the heart, within – כל עוד בלבב פנימה Ve-im etse ha-hutsa – And if I get out – ואם אצא החוצה Ha-matzav rak yahamir – The situation will only deteriorate – המצב רק יחמיר Ani yotse ksat hahutsa – I am going outside for a while – אני יוצא קצת החוצה Ein li hutz mimech klum – I don't have anything but you – אין לי חוץ ממך כלום Hutz mi- – Exce