Streetwise Hebrew

#159 Honey, I'm home!



Why do we say ‘Ani holech habaita’, I am going home, in Hebrew? What exactly is the funny ending 'habai-ta,' if the word 'bayit' means home? Host Guy Sharett has returned home! On this episode, he explains ‘habaita’ and how to use it. Words and expressions discussed: Lahzor habaita – To come back home – לחזור הביתה Haya mamash keif lifgosh etchem – It was great meeting you – היה ממש כיף לפגוש אתכם Yerushalaima – Towards Jerusalem (biblical) – ירושלימה Le-yerushalaim – Towards Jerusalem (modern) – לירושלים Tsafona – Northbound – צפונה Daroma – Southbound – דרומה Smola – To the left – שמאלה Yamina – To the right – ימינה Kadima – Forward – קדימה Achora – Backword – אחורה Higati habaita – I reached home – הגעתי הביתה Kama tov she-bata habaita – So good that you came back home – כמה טוב שבאת הביתה Israeliyut – Israeliness – ישראליוּת Bo ha-baita – Come home – בוא הביתה Alé habaita – Come up home –עלה הביתה Lech/Lechi/Lechu habaita – Go home – לך/לכי/לכו הביתה Hu halach habaita – He went home – הוא הלך הביתה Nir'eh