Streetwise Hebrew

#157 "You want a juice?" "No": Translating Israeli brevity



We have all had conversations with Israelis bereft of the common courtesies - thank you, please, or polite excuses. On this episode, host Guy Sharett explains exactly what is going on in the Israeli brain when answering our offers or questions in what seems to be curt, abrupt, and even rude ways. Words and expressions discussed: Sicha menumeset – Polite conversation – שיחה מנומסת Efshar espresso? – May I have an espresso? – ?אפשר אספרסו Nahutz li gever menumas – I need a polite man – נחוץ לי גבר מנומס Rotse kafe? Lo. – Do you want coffee? No. – רוצה קפה? לא Efshar laredet? Ken. – Can I get off? Yes. – אפשר לרדת? כן Ba lecha mitz? Lo. – Do you feel like juice? No. – בא לך מיץ? לא Nifgashim ba-spontani? Lo, asuk – Wanna meet now spontaneously? No, (I am) busy. – נפגשים בספונטני? לא, עסוק Ramkolim menumasim – Polite speakers – רמקולים מנומסים Music: Shlomo Artzi & Astar Shamir - Brit Lo Muteret (lyrics) Yossi Banai & Yona Atari - Rina (lyrics) Meir Ariel - Terminal (lyrics)   The Hebrew Verb Tables app i