Streetwise Hebrew

#156 Just a sec: Hustling patience like an Israeli



So you're in Israel. You're chatting away with someone, and then they stop you mid-sentence. Surprise, surprise. How do you tell someone to "wait a minute" or "hold on a second?" Today host Guy Sharett talks about one of the most popular words in Hebrew, rega, moment, but also "just a moment". Words and expressions discussed: Rega, rega’im – Moment/s – רגע, רגעים Rega, nahag – Just a sec., driver – רגע, נהג Efshar rega she'ela? – May I just ask one question? – אפשר רגע שאלה? Rak shniya/daka – Just a second/minute – רק שנייה/דקה Haké , haki, haku – Wait (imperative, m., f., pl.) – חכה, חכי, חכו Haké shniya/rega –  Wait a bit– חכה שנייה/רגע Haké-haké/haki-haki – Just you wait – חכה-חכה/חכי-חכי Tsohek mi she-tsohek aharon – He who laughs last, laughs the best – צוחק מי שצוחק אחרון Ten/tni li daka/shniya – Give me a minute – תן/תני לי דקה/שנייה Ten li daka/rega lir'ot – Give me a moment to see – תן לי דקה/רגע לראות Rak daka/shniya/rega – Just a moment – רק דקה/שנייה/רגע Od rega/shniya/daka – One sec. – עוד רגע/שנ