Streetwise Hebrew

#155 What goes up, must come down



Laredet, to go down, is the opposite of La’alot, to go up. But the root ירד has so many other meanings. We use it to talk about the rain, internet downloads, mocking our friends, taking shots of alcohol, and more raunchy terms you should definitely know - which is why this episode isn't suitable for younger listeners. Sorry kids!         Words and expressions discussed: Laredet – To go down – לרדת Ma she-ole, hayav laredet – What goes up, must come down – מה שעולה, חייב לרדת Laredet me-ha-otobus / me-ha-rakevet – To get off the bus/train – לרדת מהאוטובוס/מהרכבת Efshar laredet (bevaksha)? – May I get off please? – אפשר לרדת בבקשה? Ta’atsor li kan bevaksha – Please stop here for me – תעצור לי כאן בבקשה Ole hadash, olim hadashim – New immigrant/s to Israel – עולה חדש, עולים חדשים Yored, yordim – Israelis who left Israel (negative) – יורד, יורדים Yerida – leaving Israel – ירידה Yored al mishehu – He’s mocking someone – יורד על מישהו Dai laredet alai – Stop coming down on me/mocking me – די לרדת עליי Yeridot al mi