Streetwise Hebrew

#151 Like nothing else: Intensifiers and superlatives



So you just saw the coolest concert, and then your friend made you the best soup you've ever tasted. The next day you saw the most wonderful film. It's all so fantastic that you want to yell, this is f****** amazing! Sometimes you just need to tell the world. But how do you do it in Hebrew? For starters, use Guy's toolkit of 'intensifiers.' Exclusive content for patrons Words and expressions discussed: Haverimot (Haverim+haverot) – Friends (m+f) – חברימות Ein dvarim ka-ele – Amazing (Lit: There are no things like it) – אין דברים כאלה Ein yoter yafa mimech – There’s no one prettier than you – אין יותר יפה ממך Ein dvarim ka-ele ba-olam – There are no things like it in the whole world – אין דברים כאלה בעולם Ta’im she-ein dvarim ka-ele – So delicious that there are no things like it – טעים שאין דברים כאלה Eich at matrifa – How terrific you are – איך את מטריפה Metoraf – Crazy – מטורף Lehatrif mishehu – To drive someone crazy – להטריף מישהו Hamud be-teruf – Crazy cute – חמוד בטירוף Ani machur elaich – I am addicted