Streetwise Hebrew

#150 Not too much, just a drop



If someone pours milk into your tea or coffee in Hebrew, you need to know how to ask for a bit more, a tiny bit more, a pinch more, okay that’s it. Guy teaches us to use 'tipa,' a drop, and its diminutives for when you need just a tiny bit more milk, ask someone to have a little patience, or even when someone needs help parking the car. Exclusive content for Patrons Words and expressions discussed: Tipa, tipot – Drop, drops – טיפה, טיפות Tiponet – A tiny drop – טיפונת Ve-omeret ha-lvana la-ananim – And the moon says to the clouds – ואומרת הלבנה לעננים Tnu tipa ve-od tiponet la-ganim – Give a drop and another droplet to the gardens – תנו טיפה ועוד טיפונת Efshar od tipa halav? – May I have a bit more milk? – ?אפשר עוד טיפה חלב Efshar od tiponet rotev? – May I have a bit more of the sauce? – ?אפשר עוד טיפונת רוטב Tip tipa – A tiny bit – טיפ טיפה Efshar od tipa? Od tip tipa? Zehu – May I have a bit more? A tad more? That’s it – אפשר עוד טיפה? עוד טיפ טיפה? זהו Tipa'le – A tiny bit – טיפה’לה Ze tipa'le mugzam – It