Streetwise Hebrew

#144 Master of slang you will 'become'



Repeat the mantra: I will become a fluent Hebrew speaker. But how do we say 'become' in Hebrew? 'Nihya,' which is passive of Hebrew verb 'lihyot,' or 'to be.' TLV1's language Jedi Guy Sharett explains.    Exclusive content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Pitom nihya kayits – Suddenly it became summer – פתאום נהיה קיץ Nihya – It has become – נהיה Ma nihya (niya)? – What's going on? – ?מה נהיה Shu sar? (Arabic) – What's happened? – شو صار؟ Shu sar ma'ak? (Arabic) – What's happened with you? – شو صار معك؟ Ma nihya im + mishu –  What's with + someone – מה נהיה עם + מישהו Ma nihya?! – What's going on?! – ?!מה נהיה Tagidi, ma nihya itach – Tell me (f.), what's going on with you – תגידי, מה נהיה איתך Ma nihya itcha, itach, itchem, itchen – What's with you (m.), you (f.), you (pl. m), you (pl. f) – מה נהיה איתך, איתך, איתכם, איתכן Ma nihya mimeni? – What has become of me? – ?מה נהיה ממני Ma nihya ita? – What's with her? – ?מה נהיה איתה Ma nihya mimena? – What's happened to her? – ?מה נהיה ממנה Hu nihya me'