Streetwise Hebrew

#143 Don't fear the fashla: How to mess up in Hebrew, perfectly



'Fashla' and 'fadiha,' originally Arabic words, are used by Israelis to talk about embarrassing or awkward moments. Host Guy Sharett tells us not only how to avoid awful mess-ups, but also how to fry up the roots of these words in a sizzling Hebrew verb pan. They get juicy - want a bite? Exclusive content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Efshar lishol ma ata ose kan? – May I ask what are you doing here? – ?אפשר לשאול מה אתה עושה כאן Mehake larakevet harishona – Waiting for the first train – מחכה לרכבת הראשונה Efshar lirot teuda mezaha? – May I see an identifying document? – ?אפשר לראות תעודה מזהה Betach –  Sure – בטח Eich kor'im lecha? – What's your name? – ?איך קוראים לך Efo ata gar? – Where do you live? – ?איפה אתה גר Ve-ma ata kotev? – And what are you writing? – ?ומה אתה כותב Ani mechin tochnit la-shavu'a – I am preparing a plan/program for the week – אני מכין תוכנית לשבוע Mamash lo inyancha – Really none of your business – ממש לא עניינך Fashla, fashlot – Mess-up; embarrassing failure; flop – פש