Streetwise Hebrew

#142 WhatsApp with your Hebrew!?



Israelis love WhatsApp groups. It's how journalists receive the latest news updates, it's how sports teams arrange lifts for upcoming matches, it's how school parents communicate about homework, and, of course, it's how friends plan their weekend get-together. So this week, host Guy Sharett explains how Israelis communicate in WhatsApp groups. We use a special brand of concise, efficient Hebrew that should be acknowledged and celebrated! Exclusive content for Patrons   New words & expressions: No'ach le- – Convenient for – -נוח ל Lo no'ach li lavo – It's not convenient for me to come – לא נוח לי לבוא Shmone lo no'ach li – Eight is not good for me – שמונה לא נוח לי No'ach lach machar ba-boker? – Is it convenient for you (f.) tomorrow morning? – ?נוח לך מחר בבוקר No'ach lecha shavu'a ha-ba? – Is it convenient for you (m.) next week? – ?נוח לך שבוע הבא No'ach lachem ha-yom me'uchar ba-layla? – Is it convenient for you (pl.) today late at night? – ?נוח לכם היום מאוחר בלילה Le-Eyal lo no'ach ha-yom – For Eyal