Streetwise Hebrew

#139 Charge up your Hebrew right here



"Hu ta'an" means "he loaded" or "charged," like charging a phone. But it can also mean "he claimed" or "complained." If you want to avoid panic-inducing low battery when you're in Israel, you'd better learn how to talk about charging your phone in Hebrew. Host Guy Sharett takes us through the root - .ט.ע.נ - from which we also get baggage, loaded questions and much more. Exclusive content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Rak te'anot ve-drishot – Only complaints and demands – רק טענות ודרישות Ein li te'anot – I don't have any complaints – אין לי טענות Lit'on – To claim, charge, load – לטעון Hu to'en le-aflaya – He claims it is discrimination – הוא טוען לאפליה To'en (verb) – Load, charge – טוען Mat’en – Charger – מטען Yesh lachem be-mikra mat'en le-iphone hamesh? – Do you happen to have an iPhone 5 charger? – ?יש לכם במקרה מטען לאייפון חמש Mit'an – Baggage, luggage – מטען Ta mit'an – Trunk (car) – תא מטען Te’ina (pa'al) – Loading, charging – טעינה Hat’ana (hif'il) – Loading, charging – הטענה Ani tsari