Streetwise Hebrew

#137 Al Tagzim! Exaggerate? Moi?



In Israel you'll come across plenty of people who get carried away, overreact to things, or go over the top. How do you deal with these people? What should you say to them in Hebrew? Host Guy Sharett explains what you should say when you're overcharged for something that should be really cheap, and what you should do with your hands when someone is saying something totally exaggerated. Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Al tagzim/i/u! – Don't exaggerate! – !אל תגזימ/י/ו At magzima – You exaggerate – את מגזימה Dai, lo tsarich lehagzim –  Come on, it’s not necessary to exaggerate – די, לא צריך להגזים Hagzama – Exaggeration – הגזמה Ani tsarich lomar, ve-im ktsat hagzama – I must say, and with a bit of exaggeration – אני צריך לומר, ועם קצת הגזמה Eize hagzamot! – Such exaggeration! – !איזה הגזמות Mugzam – Exaggerated – מוגזם Ipur mugzam – Exaggerated makeup – איפור מוגזם Ze ma-ze mugzam – This is so exaggerated / over-the-top – זה מה-זה מוגזם Achalti be-keta mugzam – I overate – אכלתי בקט