Streetwise Hebrew

#136 StreetWise Hebrew gets double negative



Today we're getting negative. Double negative, in fact. After some Hebrew words like "klum" ("nothing") or "af pa'am" ("never") we also have to use "lo" ("no"). So, unlike in English, we use two negation words. Host Guy Sharett takes us through the rules, mentioning English, French and Portuguese as he goes. Oh, and while we're learning, we also get to listen to some beautiful French and Brazilian songs. Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Je n'ai jamais pu t'oublier – I was never able to forget you Me-olam lo shachati otcha - I (have) never forgot(ten) you – מעולם לא שכחתי אותך Af pa'am lo ted'i – Never will you know (f.) – אף פעם לא תדעי Af pa'am lo hayiti be- – I have never been to – -אף פעם לא הייתי ב Af pa'am lo ahavti kach af achat – I have never loved anyone like this – אף פעם לא אהבתי כך אף אחת Af echad lo yodea, af echad lo mevin – Nobody knows, nobody understands – אף אחד לא יודע, אף אחד לא מבין Achshav lo mitgorer bo af echad – Now nobody lives there – עכשיו לא מתגורר בו אף