Streetwise Hebrew

#134 Dare to be different



It's not always easy to be "different" - "shoné" - but host Guy Sharett tackles this word and its offshoots head-on. He explains how we get "change" and "strange" from the same root, and how to say "it's all the same to me." Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Shoné – Different – שונה Ze shoné be-ze she…– It's different in that it…– ...זה שונה בזה ש Be-ma ata shoné mimenu? – How do you differ from him? – ?במה אתה שונה ממנו Hayit shona – You were different – היית שונה At hayom shona – Today you're different – את היום שונה Shinuy, shinuyim – Change, changes – שינוי, שינויים Shinuyey mezeg ha-avir – The weather changes – שינויי מזג האוויר Hevdelim – Differences – הבדלים Ata yachol lehagid li she-ze lo meshané  – You can tell me that it doesn't make a difference – אתה יכול להגיד לי שזה לא משנה Leshanot – To change, to make a difference – לשנות Meshané  – He/it changes/changing, makes a difference – משנה (Ze) Lo meshané (li) – It's all the same to me; it doesn't matter – (זה) לא משנה (לי)