Streetwise Hebrew

#133 "A glorious failure is better than dreams in the drawer"



In a country where everybody tells you what to do, how to do it, and when, it's only natural the word "adif" - "it's preferable" - would be a word you hear every day. Host Guy Sharett explores the "adif" family, and shows us the link between preference, priority, and pasta. Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Adif – Preferable – עדיף Adif machar – It's better tomorrow – עדיף מחר Az adif lehisha'er – It's better to stay – אז עדיף להישאר Adif lalechet achshav – It's better to go/leave now – עדיף ללכת עכשיו Adif la'asot et ze kacha – It's better to do it this way – עדיף לעשות את זה ככה Adif she… – It's better that... – ...עדיף ש Adif she-telech achshav – You'd better leave now – עדיף שתלך עכשיו Ma adif, ze o ze? – What's better, this or that? –  ?מה עדיף, זה או זה Ha-gvina ha-zo adifa? – Is this cheese better? – ?הגבינה הזו עדיפה Kulam adifim mi-korbanot ha-milchama – They are all better than the victims of war – כולם עדיפים מקורבנות המלחמה Hayiti adifut shniya – I was second priority –