Streetwise Hebrew

#132 Keep the gags coming!



"Keta" means "part," "section," "thing" or "gag," but it also appears in lots of really handy Hebrew slang expressions. Host Guy Sharett explains how we use "keta" to say that we're not into something, or to tell our friend how (un)funny they're being. Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Keta, kta'im – Part; section; leg of a trip; thing; gag – קטע/קטעים Yeled shome'a kta'im ba-sicha – A kid hears parts of the conversation – ילד שומע קטעים בשיחה He-keta ba-seret – The part/scene in the movie – הקטע בסרט Ze keta mesukan – It's a dangerous thing – זה קטע מסוכן Lo ahavti et ha-keta – I didn't like this – לא אהבתי את הקטע Lo mevina ta-keta – I don't get it – לא מבינה ת'קטע Makirim et ha-kete she…? – Do you know that thing when…? – ?...מכירים את הקטע ש Haya beynehem keta – There was a thing between them – היה ביניהם קטע At lo mamash ba-kate – You're not really into that – את לא ממש בקטע Hu be-keta shel banim (Hu ba-keta)– He's into guys – הוא בקטע של בנים Ani lo hoshev she-hu ba-keta – I d