Streetwise Hebrew

#131 No jealousy and no grudge, just "firgun" and love



"Lefargen" is a rather special word with no simple translation into English. It means to express happiness for someone, to encourage and praise them with full empathy. As host Guy Sharett explains, in some cases it can mean to give something out of the goodness of your heart. Get ready for a feel-good episode! Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Lefargen – To express happiness for someone, to encourage and praise them with full empathy – לפרגן Firgun (verbal noun) – The act of "lefargen" – פרגון Farginen (Yiddish) – "Lefargen" – פֿאַרגינען Farginen sich (Yiddish) –זיך  פֿאַרגינען – Lefargen le-atsmo – לפרגן לעצמו – To allow oneself to do something VergÖnnen (German) – To grant someone something Hu firgen le mishehu – He "firgened" (to) someone – הוא פרגן למישהו Fargen lo (imperative) – "Fargen" (to) him! – פרגן לו Az ten kavod, fargen le'atsmecha - So give respect, "fargen" (to) yourself – אז תן כבוד, פרגן לעצמך Zo she-tsricha lilmod lefargen le-atsma – The one (fem.) who needs to lea