Streetwise Hebrew

#128 Congratulations! "Mazal tov" and more



Today's episode is all about "mazal tov." How do we congratulate friends who have a newborn baby? And what do you say when you're not sure if it's a boy or a girl, in a gender-based language like Hebrew? Host Guy Sharett has all the answers. Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Mazal tov – Congratulations – מזל טוב She-yihie be-mazal (tov) – Congratulations – (שיהיה במזל (טוב Mazal tov la-yomuledet – Happy birthday – מזל טוב ליומולדת Mazal tov al ha-herayon – Congratulaions on the pregnancy – מזל טוב על ההריון Mazal tov al hadira – Congratulations on the apartment – מזל טוב על הדירה Magi'a lecha mazal tov, lo? – You deserve a mazal tov, right? – ?מגיע לך מזל טוב, לא Brachot – Blessings, greetings – ברכות Ani me'achelet lecha she… – I wish that you… – ...אני מאחלת לך ש Eize keif lishmo'a – So happy to hear (the news) – איזה כיף לשמוע Eize yoffie – How great – איזה יופי Be-sha'a tova – May all go well/Congratulations – בשעה טובה Bekarov etslecha/etslech/etslachem – (May we celebrate the