Streetwise Hebrew

#125 Bills, bills, bills



Asking for the bill is one of the most important things to learn in any language. But "heshbon," in Hebrew, is about much more than just settling the account. On this episode, host Guy Sharett explains how Israelis do self-reflection, how they break even... and how they don't give a damn. Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Heshbon, heshbonot (m.) – Account, bill, arithmetic – חשבון, חשבונות Heshbon bank – Bank account – חשבון בנק Heshbon hotsa'ot – Expense account – חשבון הוצאות Heshbon nefesh - Self-examination – חשבון נפש Lehavi/Lakachat be-heshbon – To take into consideration – להביא/לקחת בחשבון Kach/Kchi/Kchu be-heshbon she… – Take into consideration that…– ...קח/קחי/קחו בחשבון ש Lo ba be-heshbon – No way – לא בא בחשבון Lo la'asot/lidfok heshbon – Not to give a damn – לא לעשות/לדפוק חשבון Ma, ata dofek heshbon le-mishehu? – What, do you care? – ?מה, אתה דופק חשבון למישהו Lisgor heshbon – To get even – לסגור חשבון Hisul heshbonot – Settling accounts – חיסול חשבונות Al heshbon shel