Streetwise Hebrew

#122 Waiter talk.... Is everything ok?



We have already spoken about what you say in a restaurant or at a café, but what would a waiter say to you? Host Guy Sharett prepares us with the lines that will grace our ears as we sit down for a meal or a quick Tel Avivi bite. Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Bifnim o ba-huts? – Inside or outside? – ?בפנים או בחוץ Lashevet o lakachat – For here or to go? – ?לשבת או לקחת Tafrit – Menu – תפריט Muchanim lehazmin? – Ready to order? – ?מוכנים להזמין Rotsim lehazmin? – Would you guys like to order? – ?רוצים להזמין Atem yod'im ma atem rotsim? – Do you guys know what you'd like? – ?אתם יודעים מה אתם רוצים Ma lishtot? – What would you like to drink – מה לשתות? Tirtsu ha-kol beyahad? – Would you like everything at once? – ?תרצו הכל ביחד Ma she-yotse – Whatever comes out – מה שיוצא Miyad – Immediately – מייד Techef – In a second – תיכף Ha-salat ba-derech – The salad is on its way – הסלט בדרך Ha-salat kvar magi'a – The salad is just coming now – הסלט כבר מגיע Od rega – Just a minute – עוד ר