Streetwise Hebrew

#120 Should I stay or should I go?



"She'ar" - "the rest," is our week's theme. From the same root we have "lehash'ir" - "to leave," "lehisha'er" - "to stay," and other useful verbs, and of course some spaghetti leftovers from yesterday; host Guy Sharett explains how it's all connected.   Exclusive Content for Patrons   New words & expressions: Ha-she'ar – The rest – השאר She'ar yerakot –  And other things – שאר ירקות Bein ha-sh'ar – Among other things – בין השאר Ve-kol sh'ar ha-dvarim – And all the rest – וכל שאר הדברים Ha-sheket she-nish'ar – The remaining silence – השקט שנשאר Nish'ar spaghetti me-etmol – There's spaghetti left from yesterday – נשאר ספגטי מאתמול Nishar(a) shtiya – There are drinks left – נשאר(ה) שתייה Nish'ar(u) dapim –  There are papers left – נשאר(ו) דפים Nish'ar ba-hayim – He survived – נשאר בחיים Nish'ar kita – He was held back a year – נשאר כיתה Lo nish'ar li koach – I have no energy left – לא נשאר לי כוח Ma nish'ar od laasot – What's still left to do – מה נשאר עוד לעשות Ktsat meshune she-lo nish'art – It's a bit wei