Streetwise Hebrew

#118 How to fall for your Hebrew teacher



The root "nun-pei-lamed" is all about falling - "lipol" means "to fall." It's used in so many different expressions it can be easy to forget where it came from. Host Guy Sharett takes us through the most common usages, taking us from meteors to waterfalls to shooting down planes.   Exclusive content     New words & expressions: Nafalta hazak – You went down hard – נפלת חזק Kochav nofel – Falling star; shooting star; meteor – כוכב נופל Lipol – To fall – ליפול Ma nafalt alay? – How did you suddenly come into my life? – ?מה נפלת עליי Nafalti al mis'ada tova – I stumbled upon a good restaurant – נפלתי על מסעדה טובה Ma hu nafal alay achshav? – Why did he come to me with this now? (negative) – ?מה הוא נפל עליי עכשיו Ma nafal aleycha ha-yom? – What's the matter with you today? – ?מה נפל עליך היום Nafalta al ha-sechel/ha-rosh? – Are you out of your mind? – ?נפלת על השכל/הראש Ze/hu yipol – It/he will fall – זה/הוא יפול Im yipol ha-kochav sheli – If my star falls – אם ייפול הכוכב שלי Eize nefila – What a flop – איז