Streetwise Hebrew

#117 Ya habibi! StreetWise Hebrew gets affectionate



The root "het-bet-bet," which gives us the word "habibi," is all about affection. Host Guy Sharett explains what it's got to do with gay Tel Avivi speech and Ashdod in the 80's.   Exclusive content   New words & expressions: Ya habibi – Oh my darling – יא חבּיבּי Habibi - Mate, dude (addressing a man) - חביבי Lird – Good looking guy – לירד Habib/a (Arabic) – Darling – חבּיבּ/ה Haviv/a – Pleasant – חביב/ה Haya haviv – It was nice – היה חביב Acharon acharon haviv – Last but not least – אחרון אחרון חביב Hu hovev tango – He likes tango – הוא חובב טנגו Hu hovev mevugarot – He likes older girls – הוא חובב מבוגרות Hi hovevet ktinim – She likes younger guys – היא חובבת קטינים Zamarim hovevim – Amateur singers – זמרים חובבים Ani dvarim ka'ele mehabev – I like these kinds of things – אני דברים כאלה מחבב Lehabev – To like – לחבב Lehithabev al – To become beloved – להתחבב על Hu hithabev al kulam – He became beloved by everybody – הוא התחבב על כולם Tahbiv – Hobby – תחביב Hiba – Affection – חיבה Shem/Kinuy hiba – Pet n