Streetwise Hebrew

#115 You're gonna miss me when I'm gone!



The word "miss" has many meanings in English: You can miss a bus, a lesson, miss someone, miss the point, and much more. Hebrew does not use one verb for all of the above, and some acrobatics is needed. Host Guy Sharett explains.   Exclusive content   New words & expressions: I miss you – Ani mitga'a'gea eleycha/elayich – אני מתגעגע אלייך Pashut lehitga'ge'a – Just to miss, to long for – פשוט להתגעגע Hitga'gati az bati – I had a longing, so I came by – התגעגעתי אז באתי Hitga'aganu elayich – We missed you (f.) – התגעגענו אלייך Techsar lanu, techsari lanu, techsaru lanu – We'll miss you – תחסר לנו/תחסרי לנו/תחסרו לנו Chaser – Missing – חסר Ata po chaser li – You're missed by me here – אתה פה חסר לי Lehachsir shi'urim – To miss lessons – להחסיר שיעורים Hichsarta harbe shi'urim – You missed many lessons – החסרת הרבה שיעורים Chisur/im – Absence/s – חיסור/ים Yesh lecha harbe chisurim – You've got many absences – יש לך הרבה חיסורים Fisfasta et ha-otobus - You missed the bus – פספסת את האוטובוס Fisfasta – You mis