Streetwise Hebrew

#109 The art of saying "I don't know"



"I don't know" is one of the most important things you need to know how to say in any language. In this episode Guy Sharett explains how to say you don't have a clue in Hebrew, and even suggests what you should do with your shoulders and bottom lip while saying it.   Exclusive content   New words & expressions: Ani lo yodea, ani lo yodaat – I don't know – אני לא יודע, אני לא יודעת (An')lo yode'a – I don't know – אנ')לא יודע) Ani mamash lo yodea (Anmamashlodea) – I really don't know – אנ(י) ממש ל(א י)ודע Kshe'at omeret "lo" – When you say "no" – "כשאת אומרת "לא Ani kvar lo yodea – I don't know any more – אני כבר לא יודע Kshe-isha omeret lo – When a woman says "no" – "כשאישה אומרת "לא Hi mitkavenet le-"lo" – She means no – "היא מתכוונת ל"לא Me-efo ani yodea – How should I know? – ?מאיפה אני יודע Me-efo li lada'at? – How should I know? – ?מאיפה לי לדעת Me-efo ani eda – How would I know? – ?מאיפה אני אדע Ani yodea, ani? – What do I know? – ?אני יודע, אני Ein li musag ma osim – I don't have a clue what to do –