Streetwise Hebrew

#106 Learning Hebrew? Kol ha-kavod!



The Middle East is a place where people swear "on the honor of their mom" without thinking too much. Host Guy Sharett teaches us all the uses of the Hebrew word "kavod" - "honor" - right from the Prime Minister's official title to what you jot on the front of an envelope. Exclusive Content New words & expressions: Kavod – respect, honour – כבוד Kol ha-kavod (lecha, lach, lachem) – Bravo; well done (to you) – (כל הכבוד (לך, לך, לכם Kvodo shachach levarech – Your honor, you forgot to bless – כבודו שכח לברך Ma shlom kvodo? – How are you, your honor? – ?מה שלום כבודו Ze kavod gadol she… – It's a great honor that… – ...זה כבוד גדול ש Ani mitkabed lehazmin – I am honored to invite – אני מתכבד להזמין Ha-rishon she-hevin et godel ha-eru'a – The first to understand the magnitude of what happened – הראשון שהבין את גודל האירוע Kvod rosh memshelet israel – His Excellency, the Prime Minister of Israel – כבוד ראש ממשלת ישראל Kvod ha-shofetet – Your honor (to a female judge) – כבוד השופטת Kvod nesi ha-medina – His Excel