Streetwise Hebrew

#105 Pagash-nifgash: Close encounters of the Hebrew kind



Even advanced learners have difficulties with the pagash-nifgash verb forms, both meaning 'he met.' Host Guy Sharett explains the differences between the two, so you know how to meet up with your best friends as well as how to bump into them time and again. New words & expressions: Lo taaminu et mi pagashti – You won't believe whom I bumped into – לא תאמינו את מי פגשתי Eifo nifgashim – Where do we meet – איפה נפגשים Pagashti oto be-lev ha-midbar – I met him in the middle of the desert – פגשתי אותו בלב המדבר Nifgashnu – We met – נפגשנו Lo pogeshet anashim – (You're) not meeting people – לא פוגשת אנשים Nifgashten – You met (fem. Pl.) – נפגשתן Me-az nifgashten? – Have you (ladies) met since then? – מאז נפגשתן? Nifgashnu kan be-cheder ha-ipur – We met here in the make up room – נפגשנו כאן בחדר האיפור Pagashnu achat et ha-shniya – We met one another – פגשנו אחת את השנייה Ve-shuv ani nifgash im rega shel atsvut – And again I am meeting a moment of sadness – ושוב אני נפגש עם רגע של עצבות Az eich ze ba-sof she-ku