Streetwise Hebrew

#104 StreetWise support: Ease the heavy burden of learning Hebrew



The word for "support" - "tmicha" - is vastly used in Hebrew, mainly in the context of tech support. The verb is "litmoch." This week, host Guy Sharett has a special message at the end of the show related to this. Curious? Have a listen and click this link:   New words & expressions: Hu tamach be-mishehu/mashehu – He supported someone/something – הוא תמך במשהו Hu dei tamach ba-ra'ayon – He kinda supported the idea – הוא די תמך ברעיון Be-otam mikrim – In those cases – באותם מקרים Dafdefan – Browser – דפדפן Lo tomech be-java script – Does not support java script – לא תומך בג'אווה סקריפט Tomech – He's supporting / support desk agent – תומך Tmicha – Support (noun) – תמיכה Hem natnu lo tmicha – They supported him – הם נתנו לו תמיכה Tmicha mishpachtit – Family support – תמיכה משפחתית Tmicha technit – Technical support – תמיכה טכנית Titkasher la-tmicha – Call the support – תתקשר לתמיכה Tmicha kaspit – Financial support – תמיכה כספית Tmicha me-rachok – Remote support – תמי