Streetwise Hebrew

#102 Crazy Hebrew for crazy days



We are going through some yamim meshugaim - "crazy days" - in Israel at the moment, so let's talk about how we drive someone crazy in Hebrew (something we cook to perfection!). We promise a special sanity episode once things get back to normal. New words & expressions: Yamim meshugaim – Crazy days – ימים משוגעים Meshuga – Crazy – משוגע Pgu'a nefesh – Mentally ill – פגוע נפש Leshage'a – To drive someone crazy – לשגע Ze ha-erev ha-ze ha-meshge'a – It's this terrific evening – זה הערב הזה המשגע Meshgea – Wonderful, terrific, smashing – משגע Hu meshage'a et kulan – He drives everybody (f. pl.) crazy – הוא משגע את כולן Al teshag'i oti – Don't drive me crazy – אל תשגעי אותי Shige'a – He drove crazy – שיגע Ha-bachura shelcha, hi rak shig'ah otcha – Your girl, she only drove you crazy – הבחורה שלך, היא רק שיגעה אותך Ba'al ha-bayit hishtag'ea – The owner lost his mind – בעל הבית השתגע Yesh tipot shel shiga'on beinenu – There are drops of insanity between us – יש טיפות של שיגעון בינינו Shiga'on – Craziness/groovy –