Streetwise Hebrew

#99 Shoulda coulda woulda



Hebrew has this interesting structure: Verb "haya" (past tense of "to be") plus a conjugated verb in the present, like "hayiti holech." It can mean several different things, and host Guy Sharett teaches us all of them, including some conditional phrases. New words & expressions: Hayita bone li kirot – You’d build me walls – היית בונה לי קירות Hayita matkin menorot – You’d install lamps – היית מתקין מנורות She-yihie li or – So that I’d have light – שיהיה לי אור Three options for haya + present: 1. He would. 2. He would have. 3. He used to. Lu hayiti shnei alim ba-stav – If I were two leaves in the fall – לו הייתי שני עלים בסתיו Hayiti nosheret alecha achshav – I’d fall on you right now – הייתי נושרת עליך עכשיו Ma Atem Hayitem Osim? – What would you do? – מה אתם הייתם עושים? Ani zocher be-leilot shel yare’ach male, hayit ba’a elay, lo be-mikre – I remember in full moon nights, you used to come to me, not at random – אני זוכר בלילות של ירח מלא, היית באה אליי, לא במקרה Hayit sholachat yad ve-okeret et ha-pach