Streetwise Hebrew

#98 Be’ezrat ha-shem: A helping hand with your Hebrew



An ozer is an "assistant," but could also mean "he’s helping" - a verb in the present tense. How are you supposed to know which one it is? Host Guy Sharett teaches us how to work it out from the context, and he explains what initials religious people jot on every piece of paper they write on. New words & expressions: Azar – He helped – עזר Shalom, efshar laazor – Hello, may I help? – ?שלום, אפשר לעזור Efshar laazor lecha? – May I help you? – ?אפשר לעזור לך La’azor, laavod, laanot – To help, to work, to answer – לעזור, לעבוד, לענות Ata yachol laazor li bevakasha? At yechola laazor li bevakasha? – Could you help me please? – ?אתה יכול לעזור לי בבקשה? את יכולה לעזור לי בבקשה Ulay at yechola la’azor li – Maybe you can help me – אולי את יכולה לעזור לי Eich ani yachol/yechola laazor lecha? – How can I help you? – איך אני יכול/יכולה לעזור לך? Ze mamash azar li – This really helped me –זה ממש עזר לי Ze lo azar – It didn’t help – זה לא עזר Hayiti be-20 tipulim, shum davar lo azar – I went to 20 sessions, nothing h