Streetwise Hebrew

#97 "Amud": A pole of good standing



Omed, "stands," and omed le-, "is about to," are two different things. Host Guy Sharett teaches us the important words in this shorseh ("root"), ע.מ.ד, one of which is also a sexual term. At the end of the episode, Guy explains how you can learn Hebrew from reading tombstones at an old Tel Aviv cemetery. New words & expressions: Hu amad – He stood – עמד La’amod – To stand – לעמוד Ha-kol omed ba-makom – Everything stands still – הכל עומד במקום Hu omed – He is standing – הוא עומד Omedet, omdim, omdot – עומדת, עומדים, עומדות Hu omed lalechet – He’s about to go – הוא עומד ללכת Omed + infinitive – About to – עומד +שם פועל Hi amda linsoa le-chul – She was about to go abroad – היא עמדה לנסוע לחו"ל Aval ba-sof hi lo nas’aa – But she didn’t go at the end – אבל בסוף היא לא נסעה Ani rotse lada’at eifo ani omed ba-avoda – I want to know my standing at work – אני רוצה לדעת איפה אני עומד בעבודה Omed lo – He’s got an erection – עומד לו Ha-lev sheli lo omed be-ze yoter – My heart cannot stand this – הלב שלי לא עומד בזה י