Streetwise Hebrew

#93 'Teomim': the best things come in pairs



TLV1 Radio, the home of our podcast, has a few more shows for you to check out. They all focus on Israel in one way or another. For those of you interested in some straight talk about Israeli politics, culture, society, economy, and all the rest, have a listen to The Promised Podcast. You can find the podcast at or search for it on your favorite podcast app.   Teomim are twins, from the root תאמ which is used in Hebrew for anything to do with matching, suiting, fitting, coordinating and more. Let’s learn how to use this family of words in our everyday life. Mat’im lachem? New words & expressions: Teom, te’omim – Twin, twins – תאום, תאומים Zug te’omot siamyot – A pair of Siamese twins – זוג תאומות סיאמיות Migdalei ha-teomim – The twin towers – מגדלי התאומים Ze lo ta’am et ha-tsipiyot – It didn’t match the expectations – זה לא תאם את הציפיות Eich lifgosh ben zug to’em – how to meet a matching partner – איך לפגוש בן זוג תואם Leta’em – To coordinate – לתאם Eich efshar letaem pgisha mer