Streetwise Hebrew

#88 Yeled, who are you kidding?



‘Yeled’ – ‘child’ – comes from the root ‘y.l.d’ – י.ל.ד – which has made a huge career for itself in Semitic languages. This is a great example of how one root behaves in different verb patterns, keeping the stem meaning but then providing us with exciting branches of it. New words & expressions: Yeled – Child, kid, boy – ילד (Arabic ولد, walad) Kulanu yeladim shel ha-chayim – We are all children of the life – כולנו ילדים של החיים Yeled, yeladim – ילד, ילדים Yaldey Ha-yare’ach – Children of the moon – ילדי הירח Hu yaase lach yeled – he’ll make you a child – הוא יעשה לך ילד Ta’ase li yeled – Make me a child, you’re awesome – תעשה לי ילד Yalad – He gave birth – הוא ילד Hi yalda – She gave birth – היא ילדה Yalda – Girl – ילדה Hi yalda bat – She gave birth to a girl – היא ילדה בת Hi yalda ben – She gave birth to a boy – היא ילדה בן Eich shir nolad – How is a song born? – איך שיר נולד? Hu nolad – He was born – הוא נולד Nichtav; niylad>nawlad>nolad Ma nolad? – What was born? – ?מה נולד Nolad lo ben – A son was