Streetwise Hebrew

#53 Streetwise texting: The Hebrew booty call



What’s happened to Hebrew-speaking romantics in these days of Whatsapp, Facebook and Twitter? How do they convey their feelings in 140 characters? Guy Sharett analyzes a unique song called ‘Smiley,’ whose lyrics are a collection of one-liners, sometimes just one word long, taken from real online chats between Israeli couples. And, most importantly, which Hebrew word is used by Israelis to text their ex-partners at 3am? Words and expressions discussed: Er, era – עֵר, עֵרָהDabri iti – דַּבְּרִי אִיתִיHit’orart, Lehitorer – הִתְעוֹרַרְתְ, לְהִתְעוֹרֵרTachzeri elay / tachzor elai – תַּחְזְרִי אֵלַיי, תַּחְזוֹר אֵלַייLachzor, lachshov – לַחְזוֹר, לַחְשוֹבTachshov-tachshevi, tachzor-tachzeri – תַּחְשוֹב-תַּחְשְבִי, תַּחְזוֹר-תַּחְזְרִיHalo? – ?הָלוֹYachas, Yechasim – יָחָס, יְחָסִיםKara mashehu – קָרָה מַשֶהוּLikrot – לִקְרוֹתEifo at? – אֵיפֹה אַת?Be-shiur – בְּשִיעוּרBi-fgisha – בִּפְגִישָהBa-byit – בַּבַּיִתBe-nsi’a – בִּנְסִיעָהTechef – תֵּיכֵףMi ze – מִי זֶהMitkasher me-chasum – מִתְקַשֵּר מֵחָסוּםTafsiki lesan