Streetwise Hebrew

#52 Land of the setting sun



Guy Sharett takes us through the root of the word erev ('evening'), and explains what it's got to do with 'the West.'Erev tov means 'good evening' in Hebrew, so what's the difference between that and layla tov? One of Israel's most famous TV personalities hosts a show called 'Erev Tov' - you’ll never believe what he's called... Plus, for those also interested in Arabic, Guy introduces us to some Arabic vocabulary from the same root as erev. Words and expressions discussed: Erev tov – עֶרֶב טוֹב Erev tov lach, at mushlemet - עֶרֶב טוֹב לָךְ, את מוּשלֶמֶת Erev tov im Guy Pines - עֶרֶב טוֹב עִם גַּיא פִּינֵס Erev, aravim – עֶרֶב, עֲרָבִים Libi ba-mizrach va-anochi be-sof maarav – לִיבִּי בַּמִזְרָח וַאֲנוֹכִי בְּסוֹף מַעֲרָב Ma’arav, Maghreb (Arabic) – מַעֲרָב, מַעְ'רָב, مغرب Arvit, Ma’ariv – עַרְבִית, מַעֲרִיב Maaravon - מַעֲרָבוֹן Erev chag – עֶרֶב חַג Erev Shabat – עֶרֶב שַבָּת Shabat ba-erev- שַבָּת בָּעֶרֶב Music: Lior Narkis - Erev Tov Lach (Lyrics) Erev Tov im Guy Pines – entertainment TV show, Ch. 10 Dav