Streetwise Hebrew

#39 Ksharim - Connections



For the Israeli Independence Day we talk today about ksharim, connections. To have ksharim means to have people in different places who can help you to get stuff done quickly and efficiently. But it’s never one word. This root,, has a huge family we should definitely get to know. Words and expressions used: Kesher - ksharim Le-kesher amiti Ata be-kesher ka-rega Ma ha-kesher Be-kesher le-Tihye bekesher! Likshor ksharim Kashur beseret Kashur elayich ba-neshama Ze lo kashur Ma kashur lekasher bein x and y Tihye mekushar Lehitkasher Tikshoret Be’eize heksher Playlist: Yonatan Shapira – Aya Korem Ha-shir she-hu shar li ba-geshem – Nurit Galron Ha-isha she-iti – David Broza Kashur elayich – Yishai Levy Merotz ha-chayim - Sarit Chadad