Streetwise Hebrew

#29 A dose of vitamin P to heal your bureaucratis



What's Shitat Matsli'ach? And why do they say that everybody needs ksharim in life? And what protektsia? And what's Vitamin P? So many questions, so little time. Today we talk about bureaucracy in Israel. Words and expressions: "שִיטַת מַצְלִיחַ" קְשָרִים פְּרוֹטֵקְצְיָה סְנִיף שְבִיתָה לִשְבּוֹת   Click here for Israel Post's  office locator   Songs: Yoni Rechter - Instead of all this (Bimkom Kol Zeh) lyrics Dori Ben Ze'ev - I'm Dreaming of Summer (Ani Cholem al ha-Kayits) lyrics   Ehud Banay - Coming out to the Light (Yotse la-Or) lyrics Shalom Chanoch - Strike (Shvita) lyrics