Streetwise Hebrew

#28 Sorry isn't the hardest word



So we Israelis are not the most polite people on earth, but from time to time even we say "I am sorry" and "excuse me." How do you say it in Hebrew? And what can you answer back? And how is it all connected to Korean? Listen and find out.   Here are some words and phrases we mention. For the meaning, you'll have to listen to the podcast: סְלִיחָה, סְלִיחוֹת Slicha, slichotסְלִיחָה עַל \שֶ Slicha al/she מַה-זֶה סְלִיחָה ma ze slichaמָמָש סְלִיחָה mamash slicha סְלִיחָה שֶאֲנִי חַי slicha she'ani chaiסְלִיחָה שֶׁאֲנִי נוֹשֵם slicha she'ani noshem הָלַכְתִּי לְבַקֵּש סְלִיחָה halachti levakesh slicha מִצְטָעֵר עַל mitzta'er al What can you answer? שְטוּיוֹת Shtuyot לֹא קָרָה כְּלוּם Lo kara klumזֶה בְּסֶדֶר ze beseder סָלַחְתִּי salachti ​Songs:  Pe'er Tasi - Slicha Ariel Zilber - Betty Bam Gazoz - Rony Liran Aviv - Tagidi