Kingdom Awareness

God Wants To Make You Ruler Over Much



How can you ask God to give you the desires of your heart if your desires is not his will for you?  Many of the desires we feel God should oblige only reveal the selfishness and greed we have in our heart.  And much of the desires of our heart is asking God to give us the very thing that will take us away from him or lead us from his will for us.  Trusting in God starts with knowing what God trusts you with and realizing that it is God who placed you in TRUST of his most prized possessions—HIS KINGDOM and YOU.   We have not yet learned to master ourselves, so how can we expect God to trust us when we can’t trust ourselves to subdue our flesh.  As in Rom 8:13, “For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.” Thereby making you apt to be rulers over many or much.  Please join us today for Sunday Morning Kingdom at 12 noon, EST for this awesome word from the Lord.  This message is valuable for your growth as believers!!!  This will bles