Kingdom Awareness

Kingdom Awareness Radio "Faith & Love" Host: Pastor Mark Fields



Faith and Love Without one it is impossible to please God and without the other you are considered nothing, and yet we are so willing to trade them in for a moment of ourselves that shows God that we mean more to ourselves than he does. We lose our faith at the hint of rejection, trouble, uncertainty, or not seeing the outcome as you thought it should be. We give up love because of lack of understanding, mistrust, disbelief, misrepresentation, and manipulation. But if love believes in something regardless of what is there and faith is seeing it for what supposed to be there, then why do we use one to disprove the other? We love only those who support us or our cause, and trust in things we can see when you have to have faith to love and love to have faith. Only those who love God will obey him and only those who have faith in him can see his love. Since God is love and needs no faith then we should pray that we get to the place where the kingdom of God has encompassed so much of our life that we are an amb